A collection of 50 most important and beautiful legends and stories from Kurpie region.
Nice paper, colorful illustrations, English and Polish language versions.
Publisher: Związek Kurpiów oraz Muzeum Kultury Kurpiowskiej w Ostrołęce
Publication year: 2020
Format: 8,46” x 8,46” x 1”
Hard cover,
Numer of pages: 284
ISBN 978-83-953060-5-1
ISBN 978-83-953620-6-4
Kurpie has a rich tradition of native storytelling. The legends and folk tales in this collection tell us about the Kurps: their past, their bravery and cunning, the devils they encountered and the obstacles they faced. Let’s embark on a journey in this unusual, friendly county.
Kurpie is a land not in a fabulous distant kingdom, bit in the middle of Europe, in the country called Poland. It is about 60 miles north of the capital of Poland, Warszawa. In the past, the region was covered in an impenetrable forest, intersected by winding rivers that flowed in the marshy valleys.
The local people are called Kurps, owing to the name of the women bast shoes they user to wear. The Kurps differ from the inhabitants of the neighboring lands, but their origin is not exactly established.
The only occupations of the forest – dwellers were intially hunting and beekeeping. They also had primitive klins for smelting iron.A great number of fugitives, who fled from their serfdom in the neighboring lands and countries, could settle down in Kurpie as long as they followed the customary laws of beekeeping.
The Kurps were always free, remaining under the direct jurisdiction of the Crown, with a right to carry arms. They looked after the forest and every winter they would take part in the great royal hunt. The Krups were excellent shots. Hence, ”he shoots like a Kurp”, became a proverbial expression.
They were stubborn, pron and always kept their word. The Kurps defended their county during the Swedish invasion in 1708. They shared the fate of Poland, when it lost independence in 1795. They were occupied by the Prussians (1795-1815), and by the Russians (1815-1914). The Krups took part in the November Uprising of 1831 and the January Uprising of 1863. After Poland regained its independence in 1918, the Kurps defended their country in the war of 1920 against the Bolsheviks, and during the World War II.
The Krups have retained their moral laws and their rich culture, which is reflected in their speech and customs, as could be seen in their folk costumes, songs, dances, artistic production and wooden architecture.
It’s worth coming to Kurpie to take part in the colorful procesion on Corpus Christi Day, or in the great regional events: Palm Sunday in Łyse, the Kurpie Weeding in Kadzidło or the Kurpie Honey Harvest in Myszyniec.
(“ Kurpie legends and folk tales”)